Powerful Tools for Managing & Analyzing Collision Data
Quicky identify the areas in your network with the highest potential for safety improvement.
Collision data can provide transportation authorities with insightful and actionable data on the safety of their road network. From individual crash reports to deeper analysis of trends at specific intersections or road segments, the Collision Module provides comprehensive tools for identifying problem areas so that effective counter measures can be implemented quickly.

Collision Data at Your Fingertips
Paired with our Traffic Studies module, the TES Collisions module provides critical insights into future problem areas
The TES Collision Module makes it easier to prioritize improvements by providing instant access to all crash records and associated locations. With powerful search and built in screening capabilities TES solutions ensure road authorities have all the information about the safety of their network at their fingertips. Our simple IT requirements also make it easy to import and store new data, whether paper or electronic crash reports.
Advanced Analytics
Including a powerful report builder, data visualizations and advanced search capabilities
State-of-the-Art analytical tools that are both quick and easy to use, while remaining highly flexible. From individual crash reports to viewing specific crashes within an area, TES makes all the information available instantly through the use of:
- GIS map
- Filters
- Advanced search
- Report builder
- Collision diagrams